Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hurry up and wait

Pastor Ito and his wife looked at me funny, which made me giggle even harder. Sorry, guys. I suppose it doesn't make much sense to respond this way...

They had just given me the news that the housing plans fell through. All available housing needs to go to the evacuees first. There is no house to go to in Ofunato right now. And I found it extremely funny. 

On Saturday, they initially blamed my mirth on jetlag. But it was still funny on Sunday. I thought I knew my next few steps at least. But now I don't know any. 

I've been know to get giggly when led and twirled. Ya just can't take me anywhere. 

Sunday afternoon, we met with Pastor Kondo, who was instrumental in getting me here. He is a very Life-filled, determined man who has worked with compassion in the disaster zone from the very beginning. He says this is just a delay, and asked that I stay in Yokohama while they work on finding a place for us to live. Maybe a town or two away from Ofunato. He'll let me know when there's a place to go.  

Maybe I had other things to think about just after the last two trans-Pacific flights and didn't notice the jetlag much. I'm having more trouble with it this time. Hungry and sleepy at all the wrong times. 

So the extra time is coming in handy for being a bump on a log for a while.  Guess I'll be rested and ready. 

What's next?

Oh dear, I'm giggling again. 

1 comment:

  1. Rachel, Rachel - Another opportunity to live the "one day at a time" instruction...seems there's a lot of those in your neck of the woods! Praying for you!
