Saturday, August 20, 2011

Happy sigh

Ahhhhh... Shikoku. The right island,where people talk normally. I worried that I wouldn't switch back to the old accent after a couple of months in the North, but yet again, worrying was a waste of time. It's there.

No gifts but Iwaki stories this time.It's highly unconventional to do this, but with the fear level about radiation, bringing food from Iwaki just wasn't worth it.

Some would say I've bought into vicious lies about local produce and products. Others would say I'm being prudent. Am I aggravating the "reputation damage" or am I allowing some time for the nuclear plant situation to calm down? Only time will tell.

Another movie-worthy train station reunion scene. Nice. The old station is still old. I like it that way.

The hometown seems even smaller than the last time I was here. Who shrunk it?

I have a whole summer's worth of stories. Kinda talked way too much this evening. But it was wonderful to see familiar faces and hear friends add their perspectives.

Bed. In a very familiar room. Perfect end to a wonderful day. G'nite.

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