Saturday, August 13, 2011


The assistance center has drawn new people over the last couple of weeks. We're seeing severe situations again. People with nothing, and needing food and household goods. 

Many were sleepy. They didn't get back to sleep after the 3AM quake. One was grumpy. Another nodded off in her chair. Glad to be a place where she could do that. I guess Mr. Grumpy needed a place for that too. 

We ran out of food to distribute, and the clothing choices are pretty narrow. Good thing we're taking a long weekend. It's the Obon holiday, a time when relatives are supposed to come home, both living and dead. Usually it's just another family celebration. Grief will be close to the surface for many this year. 

We had a sloooow Saturday. The debris teams went to their various locations, but the assistance center crew basically napped. Even the tiredest volunteer was relaxed and saying how nice it is to have a lazy day. 

A volunteer just arrived who may have information on working with kids in the disaster zone. Isn't it just awesome that he looks like Super Mario? 

Man. I must need another nap. 

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