Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I hate debris sand. The pharmacist is moving his business into his house after the tsunami destroyed his store, and the new patio area needed some sand. Unfortunately the only sand the pharmacist could find was debris. 

I'm a newcomer. Seeing sharp shards of glass, a battery, and a measuring tape in the dark sand still brings tears. Whose window was that? Where was that measuring tape on March 10, 2011? 

And the smell. If destruction has a smell, that would be it. I can't smell it for long. It's dark, and just plain wrong. 

The debris sand was used as the base layer under the new patio. Then new sand from the store, then concrete tiles in red and gray over that. Seems appropriate somehow. Rebuilding on top of the destruction and starting over. 

The pharmacy can reopen now with a new entryway and steps into the living room. 

Maybe things will settle down enough to trim the bushes in their yard soon. The butterflies and bees don't seem to mind the wilderness look. 

After the work was done, we drove past one of the milder areas of destruction. Most houses were still standing, with their first floor blasted out. 

It's just too much to take in. Too many. Too large. 

All we can do is help one family at a time. 

The pharmacist showed me his belly scar and very proudly told me that his stomach had been removed three years ago. Stomach cancer. Two more years and he's cleared. 

And he's rebuilding after the big wave. Doesn't seem to notice he's old enough to retire. 

Methinks life is on a winning streak here. 

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